The Lens of Victory Over Every Life Challenge is the true story of Rani Landa, a woman who went through a lot of tough times but found a way to rise above them. Born into a traditional Sikh family, Rani was married at just sixteen. Her marriage turned out to be abusive and difficult, but she didn’t give up. With time and by turning to her Christian faith, she found the strength to leave behind the pain and start a new chapter of her life.
In this book, Rani shares how she faced challenges at home, dealt with the pressures of cultural expectations, and eventually broke free from the abuse. Her story is filled with moments of struggle but also of hope. It’s about how her belief in Jesus helped her find peace, healing, and a new sense of purpose.
This book is an uplifting message for anyone going through hard times, showing that with faith and determination, it’s possible to overcome even the biggest challenges in life. Rani’s story is one of hope, courage, and finding victory over life’s hardships.